DMC World Magazine

Common Saints

Charlie J Perry AKA has produced some of the world’s biggest artists including BTS, Jorja Smith and Maverick Sabre from his South London studio. He’s now delving into Common Saints, a passion project consisting of soulful song-writing, incredible instrumental work, stunning vocals and smooth-as-you-like production. DMCWORLD grabs a world exclusive…

Congratulations on your debut EP release as Common Saints, can you start from the beginning and tell us a bit about the concept of the project, how it came about and what you wanted to achieve?

Thank you! Common Saints was born out of my love for music and record production. I wanted to create something musical, arty and colourful. Something imaginative and a celebration of times future and past. 

Which tracks are you most proud of on the EP and why?

I think “Idol Eyes” is special as that was the first release. Otherwise I am proud of all of them!

Is there a highlight you would like to discuss? Whether it’s a lyric, guitar solo or melody, which part of the EP stands out for you?

Wait for the end of “Secret Song”… It was meant to be a secret – a glimmer of what’s to come next 

Will there be future Common Saints releases? What are your release plans looking like?

Yes, lots of new music in the pipeline. Should be something around the corner… Don’t want to say too much..

The EP will be available on vinyl too, do you think it needs to be heard on a record more so than digitally? Does it make a difference to the sound and feel of the release?

That’s totally down to the listener. I love vinyl as it is a physical entity and memorabilia. It almost doesn’t feel like it’s real unless it’s on vinyl! It’s really there for the audiophiles and anyone who wants some cool artwork to have around the house; artwork that you can also play. The difference is in the ritual, and the sound quality is unmatched on vinyl.

Finally, in the future can we expect any Common Saints live sets? A full band would be awesome.

We are looking into the full band yes. Quarantine has been difficult for the live scene so unfortunately that’s not possible at the moment. Hopefully everything will go back to normal soon!

Common Saints ‘Idol Eyes’ EP is out now