DMC World Magazine

Tom Zanetti

One of the most famous DJs on the planet returns with brand new single ‘Flight Mode’ ft. Silky after the success of ‘One Night’, the track that showcased a more sophisticated side to the Leeds’ born producer’s repertoire. With over 130 million streams worldwide alongside a stunning array of club brands, festivals, clothing line, record label and even reality TV show – thanks to his Sleepin Is Cheatin promotions company, DMCWORLD thought it was nigh on time to check in with the main man and see what’s up in Zanetti world in 2020…

Hey Tom, how are you?

I am very well thanks.

Let’s start from the top. What is your earliest memory of music as a child?

Listening to Michael Jackson at my 5th birthday party with my brother!

Who was your biggest influence that got you into music as a career and biggest music influence overall?

My dad got me into music as a career as he was a big DJ in the 90s. He used to take me to watch him set up. Show me his mixes and introduced me to house music. My biggest music influence overall is. too many to mention coming from an Italian and Irish background growing up in Leeds loving so many types of music, I couldn’t narrow it down to one.

What part of your ventures do you enjoy the most? Is it making music, or the business side to it and tell us why?

It’s definitely making the music, but I love throwing parties watching everyone dance to the music I have made or signed to my label.

Tell us your music process when making a track?

I usually go into the studio with a solid idea of what I need to accomplish. As we go along, we start to vibe and manifest my vision.

Can you let our readers know how your career begun and your journey as a DJ/producer?

I used to MC in my bedroom as a kid. I made a CD for my local market which sold out then I started throwing my own parties which eventually got me signed.

You recently opened your own bar with KO Kane, have you always been entrepreneurial?

Always, from throwing parties to festivals and filling out clubs myself across the world it only made sense for me to open my own.

How do you find the lifestyle travelling around the world and DJ’ing at different events and parties as well as running your own bar and releasing music? It must be pretty hectic!

It was crazy especially as a father too! Exhilarating, exhausting but rewarding.

How are you finding your Summer this year with everything going on in the world?

As long as we are all safe, I am happy. Massive knock backs business wise but got to spend time with my son. I wish we could lock down once a month every year.

Have you been finding a way of navigating your way around not being able to play out?

Yes, building other business ventures with my manager and spending time with loved ones as well as making some absolute bangers!

You’ve released some great music this Summer. Have you found you’ve been able to find more time to concreate on this?

Most definitely. I can focus all my energy into new music and actually releasing it!

Tell us about what you’ve got in store for the rest of the year…

Brand new singles, videos, TV shows and more!
