DMC World Magazine


Embarking on his musical journey at the age of 13, the self-taught musician immersed himself in a variety of instruments, which set the foundation for his musical development. Honing his craft, Venetian saw success in a variety of bands before shifting his focus to his solo career. where he is determined to carve his own lane in the music industry and put his passion forward through the embodiment of his lifetime of music and broad styles. The hotly tipped musician has received staunch support for ‘Feel Me’ already, after entering the track in the Spinnin’ Records competition. After placing second, Venetian decided this was the perfect cut to establish his new sound and serve as a taster of what is to come from the multi talented singer, songwriting producer. DMCWORLD dives in…

Hi Venetian, how are you?

Honestly DMCWORLD? Pretty overwhelmed, but like in a good way. I know there’s so many artists out there releasing music but to see something you put so much time into do so well, is pure euphoria

You have had a great start to this with ‘Feel Me’, what was the inspiration behind this track?

‘Feel Me’ started out as something completely different, something darker with less bounce. I do this thing where I’ll revisit a song when I’m in different moods, so that it can capture every aspect of who I am. The song is about freedom, freedom from being judged, freedom from caring about what others think, and sharing that freedom with someone, it’s about how they make you feel more ‘released’ compared to everything  around you, it’s also a summer bop, because who doesn’t love a bounce right?

How long from start to finish did ‘Feel Me’ take?

The song was first entered into a demo competition for a Spinnin’ records content held by Breathe Carolina. That version took about 2 weeks to make, but then the release version had so many demos, so many alterations, I think it took a total of about 3 months to get to a point in was finally happy with everything. Sometimes I have to get friends to tell me when they think its finished too, as I know I’ll just keep going with the track otherwise!

How would you say your sound has developed over the years?

I grew up listening to so many different genres of music, from screamo bands like Asking Alexandria, to the pop vibes of Shawn Mendes, the smoothness of NeYo and Usher, all the way to the euphoric sounds of DJ’s like Armin van Buuren, it’s a right variation! I had always had this vision of how I wanted something to sound but the more I wrote a song the more it changed from whatever the initial creation was, but that’s what I think is the magic of it all. My sound started out in pop-punk bands that I fronted. That’s where I think the ‘happy’ part of the sound comes from. As i wrote more and more and went from band to solo act to band to where I am now, it’s almost as if all these artists I listen to, and all these songs that I’ve wrote and performed, kind of got thrown into a mashup in my head to create whatever it is that I make now. I mean if you look at my previous releases, you’ll see just how varied the songs I release are!

Who was your biggest inspiration in music?

I think the guy that made me want this more than anything was Josh Franceschi from You Me At Six. I don’t know what it was, but when I was younger, I really connected with them, and it somehow pushed me further into chasing what I loved doing. Jared Leto from 30 Seconds To Mars was another one. I would spend hours and hours of my youth watching all there videos, all the behind the scenes, all the interviews, Josh felt real, like someone you knew and that gave the belief that if he could do it, anyone could with enough work and passion. Jared gave me wonder and awe, the amazement that I had for some of the scopes of his music videos, the sheer size of some of his songs, and the way he captivated his fans, and then when we look at the dance/EDM side of things, it was artists like Calvin Harris, Tiesto, Deadmou5 and Armin who made me verge into dance music. The euphoria in their crowds, the shared feeling between them and their audience, the way a night can be etched into a memory because of their song playing. It’s beautiful when you really think about how music can affect someone so much?

Who would be your dream collaboration?

See this is hard, every artist has their own unique flair, so working with anyone will create something that is hard to compare. If I had to pick a few, even though his band don’t do this kind of music, Josh Franceschi would be incredible to feature on a song. I’d also totally vibe to do a track with L Devine who’s making waves at the moment. Maybe throw some Little Mix into there too and of course Jared Leto hopefully one day. I’d totally be down for Bieber to be on a track too, that guys music has grown so much over the years, his talent is incredible.
See, I can’t just give you one, the worlds full of amazing artists.

You had great support from the Spinnin Records competition, did this give you confidence when releasing your track?

That competition was like when you put on a new aftershave and that person you like walks up to you and tells you, you smell amazing. It’s not just a confidence boost, it’s a realisation where you’re all “hold up…..people are actually listening….and enjoying my song?” It’s such an amazing feeling when something you’ve spent so long of your life doing gets recognition. That competition changed everything for me, not just by giving me confidence when releasing this track, but the confidence in knowing that there are people out there, who love my music, and want to hear more. It almost validates every second I’ve spent behind a mic.
Plus…’s nice to throw it back at the people who told you, you couldn’t do it.

Are there more releases in the pipeline?

Well when I’m sat on near enough over 100 demos……you can believe there’s more releases. Me and my team have an idea of which song we’re releasing next but you’ll have to buy me presents if you want to know what it is.
Anything shiny will do.

Where can we keep up to date with all things Venetian?

Venetian on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.That’s where the updates go! At some point I reckon I’ll cave and jump on TikTok too…