DMC World Magazine

Bobby Puma

The San Fran top man goes deep and melodic on Armada Deep…


Interview by Dan Prince

Bobby, a huge welcome back to DMCWORLD…where are you right now?

Hi Dan, I’m in San Francisco!

The best piece of new music you have heard today?

Not new, but woke up to Pleasurekraft’s ‘Tarantula’ this morning and also have been listening to Solomun’s whole Boiler Room set from BPM.

Well young man, it’s always nice to keep one’s fans on their toes and keep people guessing what an artist is going to bring out next. And you’ve done just that with the release of ‘Deeper Than Love’ on Armada Deep that features the beautiful vocals of Katt Rockell…much more of a deeper affair. I know you have a deep love of house music in general, how did this track come about? It has Ibiza all over it…

Check it here :


Well my manager sent over a bunch of vocals and about 5 of them inspired me to do more deep house. I am excited about my up and coming deep stuff.  A lot of times, like most producers, once hear the vocal, it inspires the arrangement naturally. Maybe last year’s opening parties in Ibiza had something to do with it too.

Somebody asked you recently whether you’d like to do some collaborations with some of the big deep house artists out there, you replied “I’m not sure if any of them like me lol, but I would love to if given the opportunity.” Dude, seriously? This is dance music, one nation under a groove…we all love each other! Who would you like to hook up with?

Yeah I was totally kidding! Everybody in the dance world is super cool and very humble. If I had to only pick one I would say Shiba San or Robin Schultz . I know, very different…lol

“The problem with the world is religion and I mean all of them. Perhaps it’s time to rethink the concept.” Discuss…

I think anything that labels us and creates tension among us must be rethought.  We’re all the same…we just want to live and love and be happy.

When was the last time you danced to a DJ?

I always dance, but the last show I went to was MusicOn – so I danced there!

Which famous person would you most like to see play you in a film?

Jason Statham for sure! He’s a badass haha…

What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?

Dancing sober…

What is coming out next from you studio wise?

So much different stuff, but most excited about my collab with Tiesto coming out on Musical Freedom in March.

What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?

My daughter growing up to be a sweet little lady.

True or false…once upon a time you used your daughter who was three at the time for referencing when it came to house music?

Oh yeah, she gives you me instant feedback. She is more of an electro / big room fan.  Kids love the energy.

And finally, some of the big DJ gigs coming up you’re looking forward to…

I’ve decided not to tour the first half of this year. I am in a really good place with producing right now and don’t want to take a break from that any time soon.