DMC World Magazine

Cat Dealers

DMCWORLD checks in with the Brazilian brothers, on fire at the moment touring China and dropping their latest single ‘Keep On Lovin’…


First of all, you’re a brother duo! What does your family think of your profession and of you working so closely together?

Our family love what we do! In the beginning, when we started to produce, they were not sure if it was a good idea, but they never stopped us. We are very lucky to have the family we have.

When was the moment that you decided you wanted to pursue music as a career?

Lugui has been fascinated with electronic music since he was 9 and I (Pedro) always loved music, I’ve been playing the drums since 2002. Back in 2013 there were a few electronic tracks that we were really into, so we started researching how they were produced. It sounded so fun so we decided to try doing our own productions! We then started DJing in 2016 after releasing our first tracks.

Best club and festival you’ve played at this year?

That’s a hard question, there was so many awesome moments this year. Lollapalooza was incredible, we played there for the first time and for sure it’s a day we’ll never forget. Recently we went to Spain and played at Medusa Festival, which was amazing as well. We’ve played many great clubs like Laroc – that was awesome!

What are your top 5 favourite tracks at the moment?

I would say “Keep on Lovin’”, our remix of “Ai Ai Ai”, “Sunshine”, “Gravity” and “Your Body”…

Your remix of Tom Novy’s “Your Body” hit the viral charts, would you say this was the breakthrough that helped kick-start your career?

Yeah! It did, for sure. The “Your Body” remix was one of the first tracks we released and it went instantly viral, so it helped spread our name to a lot of people!

Do you think that your Brazilian heritage has played a big part in influencing your style?

Yes it has, this sound and style was getting so popular here in Brazil and when we started producing our own tracks we were influenced by that, so for sure it has played a very big part.

You’ll be supporting Shakira on her Brazil tour, how did this come about?

We are very happy and we got really excited with the invitation. Shakira is a huge international star and it is a pleasure to be invited to open her tour! We hope we get to meet her hahaha.

Do you have any hidden talents aside from music?

Lugui is really good at making ‘Brigadeiro’, a traditional Brazilian sweet, and I (Pedro) am the best at making banana and Nutella sandwiches.

What is next on the agenda for Cat Dealers?

This year we’ve still got many great gigs in Brazil and around the world. There’s the Shakira tour that we’re obviously really looking forward to, and we’re also playing at some of the biggest dance music festivals and clubs in the country which is really exciting. We’ve just finished touring in China and will soon head to Mexico. In November we will play in Australia and in December we’re headed back to Asia again!