DMC World Magazine

DMCWORLD AWARDS 2015 – Diskord

Immense year for the guys as they head down under to cap it in style

Tune of 2015

Flosstradamus & GTA – Prison Riot

In terms of the reaction tunes get when we play them out, this song is the biggest in the game this year. Hasn’t failed us yet, it’s an absolute monster

Your best DJ moment of 2015

Our last night supporting Flux Pavilion on his Tesla Tour, at the 1st Bank Center in Denver. Telling around 5000 people to make some noise was life-changing

Your worst DJ moment of 2015

We’ve had some little technical issues on stage, CDJs failing etc but none of them could overshadow just how awesome this year has been for us

Guilty pleasure track of 2015

We don’t really believe in guilty pleasures – if you like it you like it – but having said that it’s probably Ooh Ahh by Twice

Selfie pic of the year

We pretty much have a no-selfie rule…but we did love the guy who put his son’s GoPro the wrong way round on the selfie stick, and filmed his own ugly mug for an entire trip to Vegas 

DJ of the year

12th Planet did the fist half of the USA tour with us. He is an absolute pro, on and off stage. The energy he brings during his sets is unreal. We definitely learnt a lot touring with him. Oh and he’s the nicest dude in the game!

Label of the year

Obviously we’re biased but this year has made us feel really proud to be part of Circus. Flux’s album was next level and Doctor P has been putting out some of the best music he’s ever made. We feel privileged to be on the same label as these guys. We’ve also been hugely into what PC music do – it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but we love it

Best breakthrough producer

You can’t argue with the year NGHTMRE has had. We’ve watched him go from relatively unknown to one of the biggest and most in demand producers in the scene. He deserves every bit of it, he’s a top bloke!

Best DJ argument of the year

We generally try and stay out of all the online squabbling. Arguing on the internet has no winners. We try to put all our energy into staying positive and making the best music we can

Most annoying record of 2015

When we first heard QT – Hey QT it annoyed the hell out of us but it kept popping back into our heads and now it’s one of our favourites of the year

Best piece of studio kit launched in 2015

Definitely the Carnage Fattener, for getting things very very way more louder

Biggest loser of 2015

Donald Trump, no question

New Years Resolution?

No more than 6 cups of coffee a day…unless we reeeeeally need it