DMC World Magazine

Gallows Ghost

Exclusive interview with the wondrous Kate Young as ‘Arrows’ hits the bullseye

Interview by Dan Prince

Kate welcome to DMCWORLD…where in the world are you today?

“Lovely London Town! In my flat ready to go to hot yoga and twist myself into a sweaty frenzy! Best way to start the day…..with a lovely beetroot face!

What was the first piece of music you heard this morning?

“’Cherub’ by The Smashing Pumpkins. ‘Siamese Dream’ is always one of my albums of choice in the mornings which generally gets me geared up to face the day! ‘Disarm’ is literally one of my favourite songs ever.”

A great start to 2015 for you with the imminent release and the huge response for  your ‘Arrows’. As you mentioned on Facebook, you have “been jumping around like little jack rabbits!” Please talk us through the sounds and history of the release…

“The sounds are a real melting pot from everyone in the band, influences fly in from rock, grunge, folk and electronic. We will listen to really old classic British folk songs as well as bands like Moderat and when that comes together when we write and rehearse this is the sound that comes out. We kinda love that people are having a tricky time labeling us as one thing or another. And as far as the history of the release we have been working and writing as Gallows Ghost for about 18 months and working with Bristol producer Chris Goulstone really helped hone and focus our sound, he really got it and made sure the balance of styles were all mixed beautifully throughout. He also has the fastest producing fingers in the west country, never seen anything like it! We are proud as punch with it! Can’t wait to get back into the studio and write more, we have sooooo many ideas.”  

Check the video here…

The video for the title track focuses on you and your stunning whirlwind dancing. Who is behind the making of this beautiful work?

“The director of our video Matt Bowron had an idea of who I was as a performer and so wanted to work with lots of energy and movement. When it came to the day I just went for it and had a ‘dance like no one is watching’ attitude. With the body painting and Matt’s direction it ended up coming across really well. It was a very free experience.”

It seems the press cannot make up their mind on how to describe you; “a dark electronic vibe”, “driving, glamorously cinematic music”, “somewhere between stark folk and lush indie rock” have all been penned. How would you describe your music though?

“We love all of them! And they all work, it’s wonderful, keep the descriptions coming people! We always just thought we were a blend of dance influences and rock and folk so describe ourselves as electronic rock and roll as it’s about a lifestyle as much as the music for us. But we are really enjoying all the descriptions and the fact people are hearing all these layers in our music.”

Let’s rewind for a moment and drift back to the family home of Kate Young. Have you hailed from a musical family…who were the artists you were listening to growing up?

“I was very lucky to grow up with parents who are very creative and supportive My mum is an interior designer but has a beautiful voice and has always sung in choirs and my dad sings and plays amazing classical guitar. He collects them and I am still trying to redeem myself after scratching his favourite one whilst playing it with all my bracelets on….whoops!…. My mums favourite band is the Rolling Stones and my dad’s is the Beatles so they were in my ears from very early on. But a lot of old folk music, Classical and Period music was always playing in our house. I grew up listening to a lot of Gregorian chants. I love the sound of that music and try to use harmonies with a 5th wherever I can.”

Was music always a firm idea in your mind for life’s work…we all know you from your Vivienne Westwood modeling days of course!!

Yes it was!! Definitely. Listening to music, going to gigs and playing and singing music and performing was always my biggest passion.”  

The fashion industry v the music industry. Most cynical?

“Ha! well they are both very tough industries and full of competition and there is a cyclical nature in both so that promotes cynicism, but I would far rather be in the tough and cynical music industry than the tough and cynical fashion world….It’s the best place for a tough and cynical singer! haha!”

The six piece Gallows Ghost has only been together 18 months. How did it all begin for you back in 2013?

“Myself and Mako the guitarist started playing folk music together and realised that we wanted to create a much bigger sound and we had a much bigger vision for Gallows Ghost. We then serendipitously met the other members of the band and we wrote a whole load of new music and it all started from there! We were so lucky to bump into the various members and our manager is our best friend for years too, so it’s a real family atmosphere, lots of love in the room!!”

You have played at some very cool events since forming, Bestival, Secret Garden Party and Wilderness have all seen you performing…what have been some of the highlights on the road?

“Watching our electronic maestro come bassist Lewis put up tents. Priceless. He HATES it. Worst camper ever. Also at Bestival, Rachel, Jack and I became part of a wedding ceremony and I think we are actually in their wedding photo. That was a moment. Really the moments come fast and furious when we are away and we laugh a lot. It’s brilliant being with such a splendid bunch of eccentrics!”

Some of the future gigs already in the diary for 2015?

We are playing the Hoxton Bar and Grill on the Feb for our EP launch and we are about to start a Residency at The Dead Dolls Club in Shoreditch and we are having a big Spring event night at The Black Heart in Camden on April 16th so far.”

What is the best live gig you have ever been to?

“Apart from Prince at Shepherds Bush and Bootsy Collins at the Indigo Club (he came out into the crowd and I managed to get a hug. The sweaty love coming of that man was unreal…) – it has to be Metallica at Sonisphere 2014. I watched it from the side of the stage and introduced Sad But True with James Hetfield and the band. It was literally the best moment of my life. Haha maybe It’s all downhill from there – oh dear! Have I peaked too soon! can anything match it?!”

Okay let’s find something out about Miss Young…

The happiest moment you will cherish forever?

“Any moment with my family in Cornwall where we go every year together.”

The piece of wisdom you would pass on to a child?

“Love hard. Eat up all life has to offer.”

The figure from history you’d most like to get pissed with?

“Dorothy Parker. What a woman. She would have me rolling around.”

The film you can watch over and over…

“All of The Lord of the Rings movies (obviously!!) but if I had to have one it would be the classic Some Like it Hot.”

The temptation you wish you could resist?

“Animals. Someone sent me a sad email about their cat needing rescuing. Aaaaaand now I have the cat. I literally can’t say no. I’m way too young to be a crazy cat lady but that’s just the way it is….I think my flat could one day resemble something out of Ace Ventura.”

The song that means the most to you? 

“Wow! What a hard question! There are millions! Anything by Led Zeppelin. Probably the ‘Battle of Evermore’. It reminds me of some strange past life and all my times in the West Country. And it mentions Ring Wraiths and has Sandy Denny singing on it…..what more do you want?! Or Kings X ‘Sunshine/Rain’….Or ‘Teardrop’ by Massive Attack. Oh god that’s three! It’s an impossible question darn it! Too much great stuff and it really depends on my mood.” 

And finally, what are the next studio plans for Gallows Ghost?

“Get back in to the Studio in March and work, work, work. We’ve put our stick in the sand now and we just want to keep getting better. Exciting times.”