DMC World Magazine



The boss from Down Under bringing his House and Future Bass tunes to America right now


Interview by Dan Prince


Dude a huge welcome to DMCWORLD. Where in this crazy world are you right now?

I’m actually on a train, on the way to Santa Barbara for my first US show. There’s some French dude behind me that’s having a mad loud argument with his girlfriend on the phone, I wish I could speak a little more French to know what’s going on and to possibly also tell him to STFU lol…

The best piece of new music you have heard today?

Today? Mmmmm I don’t actually think I’ve listened to anything except one of my work in progress bits – that doesn’t really count. The latest sick think I heard was new Snacks EP on Main Course.

Your relationship with music began with the sax and guitar, do you hail from a musical family…what are some of your earliest musical memories?

Nah not really from a musical family at all, but I was definitely encouraged and helped to do whatever I liked – which was music. Earliest memory for me was learning the recorder in year one lol…

True or false? You play a killer ‘Mary Had A Little Lamb’ on the recorder?

Confirmed!! Ha.

How did you progress from real live instruments to making electronic music…and who were the early influences that got youvinterested in dance music?

I think it was DJ Shadow, Coldcut, Prodigy and Chemical Brothers that initially got my interested in electronic music. I bought a 303 and a sampler at some stage while still playing bass guitar and then started to slowly transition into Dance land. When I got a bit older I started going to raves and DJing.. and now we’re here!

You used to muck around with your 303 with your friends…have any of them gone onto making music?

Only one, he’s a drummer but also has a full time job so I don’t think he gets to spend as much time as he’d like. He’s a sick drummer though…

True or false? You got your name from a broken air-conditioner?

Tis true.

The press down under are claiming you are one the breed of new producers not afraid to take risks and throw the old rulebook out of the window. Would you agree?

Haha, well yeah I guess. I like pushing boundaries and doing cool stuff with my music, for me there is no fun in making the same textbook stuff over and over again.

Let’s kick off with your remix of Moby’s ‘Almost Loved’ – how did it come about and how did you approach the rework?

I had done some remixes for the Moby’s management before, but of a different artist (was my Royksopp remix actually) so I think they reached out off the back of that…I ended up with something a lot more full on than what I did with Royskopp but, the energy and raw vibes from Moby’s original have definitely shined through in my take!

You have a choice. Spend the day in the studio with DJ Shadow. Or spend 24 hours making music with Tom Middleton.


Hahaha, I dunno…maybe Shadow cause I’m heading to San Francisco in 2 days.. thats where he’s from right? Or around there at least I think.

Tell us about your Low Steppa Remix…

Coming very soon, did something pretty interesting and cool with his tune, can’t wait to share it. Should be coming within the next month on Armanda Deep.

True or false? You could kick most people’s asses at Mortal Kombat?

Not going to lie.. I can def hold my own when it comes to MK…

You adore the film score to Code 46, David Holmes and Steve Hilton yet again conjuring up an atmospheric and contemplative piece of music with a big dollop of techno influence. What is it about the music to this film you love and are film scores something you would like to investigate in the future?

Ahhh I’m not sure…but for me it’s really interesting to listen to, not at all club related or anything like that. But great for me if I’m chilling out at home working on emails and all that sorta stuff!

What is the biggest risk you have ever taken in life?

I dunno, choosing to make a career out of music? Lol…

What famous actor would you like to play you in a film?

I would allow Will Ferrell, Seth Rogan, Zac Galifianakis, Jason Segel, Ryan Reynolds (just someone who can take the piss) the honor of playing LO’99. I would reserve final script sign off.

True or false? Your best memory of The United States of America is riding the tea cup at Disneyland?

True, it’s one of the only memories I have cause I was so young last time I was here ha.

And finally – what does the rest of 2016 hold for you studio wise?

I have a bunch of collabs underway with Bixel Boys, Sinden, The Aston Shuffle, Low Steppa, Taiki Nulight, Dr. Fresch, Ray Foxx and Maximono – so stay tuned for those bits as they finish up and get sorted. I also have a bunch of solo tunes waiting in the wings, but my next record ‘Make Me Feel’ will be out on Medium Rare Recordings later this month.