DMC World Magazine

Lost & Found

Welcome Lost & Found, tell us a bit about yourself and what’s the reason for your name?

Hey, thank you, it’s a pleasure. I’m a Music Producer / DJ who was raised in London but now living in Berlin. I’m also knee deep in trying to make it viable to live within the music industry which as you probably know is not that easy right now. My name stemmed from an idea, a product of making constant life mistakes and realising that it’s never too late to change it or things. I’m still getting lost today but the realisation is an important factor and the consistent drive to be better, whether it be making music or baking cakes. I would say a lot of people kind of neglect that inner burning question and never really are brave enough to seek answers and that breaks my heart. I want people to know that as long your heart is still beating then its never really too late to make a change. I’m constantly in a place where I’m lost and ending up find it through my music whether it be DJing or my Productions or other artists. The key is too always keep looking and searching for answers.

What is a typical day for Lost & Found in Berlin?

Typical day would usually start with a nice strong coffee, putting on News channels or Soundcloud while checking emails and speaking to Krystal from 10 Management to see what exactly will be done that day. Then I’ll usually head out for a few hours as it’s easy to lose touch with the outside world, usually gym or just even a walk (sounds proper corny but believe me it works). I think people have this perception of being a DJ or Producer is very sociable and it is at times however it’s actually the exact opposite. You spend a lot of time alone; it’s a lonely ass world so you need to be mentally and physically fit. Then the fun part starts when I get back and sit in the studio with all my beloved babies, to finish or start anything that I feel like. I keep a notepad on my phone of things that evoke any feelings and tend to reference that from time to time.

Are you currently working on any new material?

I’m always working on new material. I think it’s hard as a person who is inspired by many things be it people or events to not be working. There’s an EP which is currently being mastered which I will be giving away very soon on Voidance records along with an EP from The Orion Correlation featuring a remix from myself.

Other than being a DJ/Producer, what other talents are you hiding?

Well I’ve been learning how to cook from my Mum. I never thought I would say those words but believe it or not it’s happening. I’m originally Iranian so there’s generations of recipes passed down and I can’t allow that knowledge to go to waste by being lazy, especially when its on my doorstep. Whether it comes out near enough as good as my mum or grandmothers is another question all together but as they say “God loves a trier”

Top 3 current labels?


This Aint Bristol

Rolling Music

What are your thoughts on the current club scene in London?

What club scene? I was raving in the days of clubs like Grays Inn Road, Colosseum, Bagleys, Turnmills etc so to me it’s dead in London. There are no more clubs, they shut down the legendary Fabric and its extremely sad for the scene and I pray it reopens but seriously it’s kind of too late and it’s not going to a change for a good while. For example what about all the other clubs which they have been shutting down for years? This is not out of the blue and people are reacting now how they should of reacted 10 years ago. Prevention is better than cure. I never wanted to leave my home but I couldn’t stay in a place that paid no respect to the very thing that raised me, which is Club Culture. Just take note from the Germans and what they have done with Berghain, it’s nothing short of incredible love and respect for Art.

We hear you are going to be doing some live streaming from Berlin, tell us more…

Yes we will be starting the live stream for my Label Voidance who I run with my close friend and family member Hammy Havoc (who also goes by the name of ‘The Orion Correlation’ ) I will be having DJs who are friends of mine coming over to perform in my apartment every Sunday 6 – 10pm dates TBC. Also will be having different Artists every month to showcase their artwork on the walls of the apartment, it’s more of a platform for us as artists to give us a channel of communication with our fans and gain new ones. I will also be streaming twice a week from my studio a few hours of me just being a big kid and messing around with some expensive toys, I guess I want to be quite transparent with the things that I do because I want people to see that it’s not hard with a bit of time and hard work to be able to achieve any of your dreams.

And current studio set up (lots of lights ha)?

You always have to have lots of lights, a studio is not a studio without a barrage of lights!! Haha. OK so computer wise I have a mac pro tower with Studio one 3 as my DAW, which for me basically acts like a recording device. I use a Roland Octacapture as my sound card that is great as it has a really good on board effects with 8 in an outs, this allows me to plug in a few synths at a time and really vibe out. I have a pair of Dynaudio BM15’s and a pair of SE electronic eggs as my speakers. The Dynaudios are the only ones I haven’t blown at least once, which says a lot right about the speakers and of course me. Haha. Synth wise I use my Nord lead and Moog Sub 37 a lot for Bass and Leads. For my Drums & Percussion I’m quite focused on using the Roland TR 8 through a distortion pedal atm and I’m having hell of time with it. Of course NI’s Maschine has been a major factor in my setup from the beginning and would recommend it as a good starting point for anyone.

How do you switch off and wind down because we know more and more DJs suffer with different mental health issues?

The older I’m getting the more sensible I’m becoming, my body can’t recover the way it used to and it makes me so sad haha. So I decided on getting my fitness levels up, my diet is pretty good and I would recommend to find a hobby which is a complete break from music, its about keeping that balance. As I said before it’s not easy actually being a DJ & Producer. In my opinion it’s the constant traveling which ends up messing with your head over a long period of time. Our bodies weren’t made to endure that much stress. It has all come about because without DJing producers aren’t making any money so therefore they push themselves to the limits, with the grueling schedules, being in the air, no sleep, diets probably out the window. All these factors will catch up with you in the long run so it’s key and important to have something which flips your brain 180. What’s worked for me is having a tight network of friends, meditating and martial arts which allows me to focus my brain and control it.

And finally, your label Voidance Records, are you guys currently accepting demos and what is in the pipeline for the label?

We are always accepting demos however it has been quiet recently as we have been doing a lot of back end stuff that people don’t see. I’ve learnt more and more over time how important planning is. I always knew it was a major factor but the planning is what allows you to just do what you want with systems in place to tackle things I.e Making music, without worrying too much when you get going in the industry.