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Turn your iTunes playlist or library into a Twitter List with Playlistify is all about baking, sharing and discovering playlists. Users can import (‘bake’) playlists from up to 10 sources like iTunes,, Spotify, copy paste texts, We Are Hunted, Winamp, etcetera. Today’s new feature comprises the possibility to extract Twitter Lists from all the playlists available in the Playlistify Directory. De facto Playlistify shows per playlist the offical artists’ Twitteraccounts which can be added as a new Twitter List with a single click.

Today, added the functionality to convert playlists into Twitter Lists. Now users can convert their iTunes Library or playlist, data, Youtube playlists, Spotify playlists and We are Hunted, Soundcloud, Rhapsody, Winamp and XSPF playlists and Copy-Paste playlist texts into Twitter List and by doing so they can start following the whereabouts and adventures of bands and musicians they listen to.

From Playlist to Twitter List
Whenever a user bakes a playlist, their curation will be added to The Playlistify Directory. From this directory, currently containing about 1700 playlists, any visitor can connect to Twitter and add the available artists’ and bands’ offical Twitter accounts as a List to their Twitter account. The playlist page itself also has a tweetbox preview with the latest tweets.

Twitter @Anywhere also implemented
Next to adding the complete playlist as a list on Twitter, users can also decide to only follow some of the artists. This feature is possible via @Anywhere, Twitter’s new feature to add Twitter to any site. Playlistify shows the Twitter hovercards which enable users to quickly follow one or more artists.

Freebase and a collaborative spreadsheet are the sources for the bands’ and artists’ official Twitter accounts
Freebase is a large collaborative knowledge base. Playlistify uses the information available on Freebase to enrich the playlists with the official Twitter accounts. Next to supplying these Twitter accounts, Playlistify also retrieves Facebook, Myspace and official webpages via Freebase. Whenever available these are also listed on the playlist pages. In the future Playlistify will look into which data the site itself can commit back to the Freebase project too.

Furthermore the collobarotive Google Spreadsheet ‘Artist/Bands on Twitter’ managed by @Gcn1 is also a source for enriching the Playlistify Database.

From the 20,000 artists currently in the Playlistify Database about 5% has a Twitter account synced.

Other new cool things Playlistify does with playlists    
The 10th import source has been added: bake playlists from Rhapsody playlists.

Playlistify Anything bookmarklet released: select a text on a webpage containing a playlist, click the bookmarklet and bake it right away.
Embed playlists on sites, network or blog: Every playlist in the Playlistify Directory can now be embedded as an interactive widget.
Map the playlists: Browse all the playlists on the map.