DMC World Magazine


It is extraordinary to think of the changes in electronic music since 1980, when Burnt Friedman started setting music down. In some ways things haven’t changed a great deal (Visage’s ‘Fade To Grey’ was that year, believe it or not!) but in others approaches have changed beyond all recognition. Listen to this well-chosen anthology, containing several exclusives across his active period, and you get the continuity of Friedman’s work, which is on the ambient side but can get busy with percussion and electronic decorations. He brings in the higher treble and lower bass sides of the spectrum very effectively at times, so that on tracks like ‘Nerf D’Acier’ and ‘Monsun’ there is an intense nervous energy. ‘Sorcier’ has brooding chords and more of a techno profile, while ‘Intrication’ shows just how strong the Friedman instinct for percussion can be. The strong rhythmic emphasis runs through this excellent anthology, a tribute to his consistent powers of invention and innovation.

Ben Hogwood
5 out of 5