DMC World Magazine

Duck Sauce – NRG – (3Beat)

Duck Sauce return with a sprawling, 80s sounding, pop-rock-electro assault on your ears and senses. It lifts and separates then jiggles and wiggles all your important lady and gentleman humps and lumps – all that’s missing is a roll of spandex, a few headbands and a shoulder length permed rocker wig and you’re winning. Hudson Mohawke push everything into the red for a maxed out journey into distortion and overload. The Skrillex, Kill The Noise and Milo & Otis collaboration is a colossus that straddles the camps of festival edm and dubstep whilst brandishing a fluorescent caveman club around its head. It’s uplifting, catchy and its coming to a radio, club, party and festival tent near you – and on an infinity loop.

4 out of 5

Reviewed By Paulette