DMC World Magazine


Of late Henrik Schwarz has shown a strong desire to think outside of the electronic box and include the orchestra in his music. 2015’s ‘Instruments’ was an obvious vehicle, with a much more analogue approach increasingly key, and here ‘Scripted Orkestra’ takes on an equally bold approach, showing off the confidence Schwarz has gained working within this area. He could hardly have a better partner than Jules Buckley of course, himself experienced in bringing Ibiza to the Proms as well as working with the Heritage Orchestra. Together they make vivid and often cinematic music, none more than ‘Stratosphärenspäher’, which is reminiscent of music from the ‘Road To Perdition’ film as well as the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt. ‘Do You Like What You See’ starts with thrilling intent, sharply focussed strings complementing a big theme from the brass, while ‘You’re A Fireball’ also catches light early on, building layers to thrilling effect with rasping voice and rolling kick drums. ‘Gygylili’ becomes progressively more urgent while showing off some really accomplished orchestration, while in rare vocal track Ben Westbeech adds positive vibes to the rolling drum track and incisive orchestral playing. If you have enjoyed some of the expansive orchestral versions of dance music of late make sure you get this – it’s the real thing, originally planned and brilliantly executed.
Ben Hogwood
5 out of 5