DMC World Magazine


An energetic meeting of minds, this, as the legendary Congolese band Konono no.1, who have already delivered energetic and hypnotic grooves for Crammed Discs to spellbinding effect, hook up with Angolan/Portuguese artist Batida for an album of eight extended grooves. As you would expect, the secret of the success with this record lies in the rhythm section of the band, who push the music along with impressive urgency. The eighth and final track, ‘Um Nzonzing’, is a suitable climax to the record and supplies arguably the strongest groove, but prior to this it is equally thrilling to get caught up in the likes of ‘Tokolanda’, ‘Nlele Kalusimbiko’ and the cross rhythms of ‘Kinsumba’. In all truth the grooves are not a million miles from house music, with an unstoppable variation on four to the floor, but they sound so completely natural under the fingers of these musicians that they are impossible to resist.

5 out of 5

Reviewed by Ben Hogwood