DMC World Magazine


Hailing all the way from Australia, Alt-Pop singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Benedict translates experiences of heartbreak, love, social observation and justice into her melodic artistry. Echoing a sound that falls in-between the lines of Kate Bush and Prince, we caught up with Benedict to discuss her new single ‘Warzone’.

Hey Benedict, thanks for chatting to us here at DMC World! How are you?

Hi DMC World! Thank you for having me. I am great! Even though it is Stage 4 lockdown here in Melbourne, Australia, I am staying as positive as I can. Not really a punishment as a creative getting sent to our rooms haha.

You’ve recently released your new celestial single ‘Warzone’ which soars with sonic nods. What was the production process like for ‘Warzone’ and how do you work best when recording? 

Thank you so much! The production process was super special. I worked with Dean Tuza, a renowned A List producer. The gifts and skill Dean brings to the recording space for each track is incredible. It makes it very easy for me as an artist to stay in my creative world and give life to this song. The process for me is like a birthing. A sacred time. An emotional, exciting and nervous experience all at once. I am always hoping that it will be a positive experience for when it comes into the world to be seen and experienced by every other person.

Warzone’ themes around the different types of relationships that an individual will encounter and learning how to champion the toxic ones. What advice would you give to those who are experiencing warzone-like relationships?  

I would say to give power to forgiveness and healing. As human beings we can hold onto things that in the end can destroy us mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Let go! Create freedom in your life where you can be exactly who you were born to be. Do not be controlled by your suffering and pain. If you are in a toxic relationship or living in fear, believe in yourself and your strength to cut that toxic world. We can always transform through real love. Everyone deserves this! And remember that you are precious, worthy of love and light no matter who you are, with all your unique differences.

You’ve also released an accompanying abstract music video to ‘Warzone’. It features a number of characters who signify their sombre emotions through dance until they eventually find empowerment. What did you enjoy the most about bringing your musical vision to life?

Honestly, I couldn’t believe how it all came together. It was such a beautiful experience to direct my vision onto screen. All filmed on an iphone. Every single person in the film clip is a very close friend of mine. It blew my mind to see them come to life creatively like they did. As everyone is going through their warzone, my dear friends called on their deepest pain and personal warzones to put this across in the film clip. 

The story reflects on Dylan, the roller skating champion, in the clip. His personal trauma and fears coming to life in the characters with the masks. Tormenting him mentally. Dylan is showing his suffering and then through self-searching and healing becoming his best self in all his glory. From dark to light.

For those who may not know, you’ve spent time on the frontline working as a prison officer. How has this influenced your passion for equality and social justice and why do you think it is important to vocalise these social issues as an artist? 

Yes I did. I worked 3 years in it. It was not the easiest as a deep empath working in this environment but I am glad I did. It woke me up and opened my eyes. I have always been deeply passionate about humanity, equality and social justice. Working as a prison officer brought to the forefront how much our communities are suffering. It showed me how our government feeds off these parts of our community, that either have never had a chance in life, or, what I call ‘ the forgotten people’. There are definitely some people that should be put away, but there are many who need rehabilitation and other help. NOT JAIL! It broke my heart but has given me a mission to be a voice for these people and speak out for real justice and better services. I write about this in my music and I plan to speak very loudly on many of these issues. No more silence!

Imagine you’re having a party. Whom, dead or alive is on the guest list?

Hmmmmm. First of all I would have to include all my musical influences from David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, Nina Simone, Janis Joplin, Prince, Joan Baez, Tracy Chapman, Pink, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Cher, Sam Smith, Elvis…and the list goes on. Honestly, if I kept going it would take up pages so I will stop haha. I would also love to have my family, my closest friends and family members who were big inspirations and support to me that have passed on. Specifically my Aunty and Grandma. That would be a dream!

Finally, what can DMC World expect from you in the future? 

You can expect some stunning remixes coming your way of Warzone from some amazing DJs in this music world. Also a brand new single in the next couple of months and then a fresh EP and album to follow! I cannot wait to share more with you awesome humans! AND….If the world opens up…then a tour! Now that would be so much fun!