DMC World Magazine


Big Wild is American vocalist and producer Jackson Stell, and ‘Superdream’ is his debut album. It is an autobiographical piece of work, but ultimately represents his incredibly positive response to a diagnosis of thyroid cancer made in 2013. Thankfully Stell has recovered from that particular ordeal, and the music here reflects a really impressive and uplifting strength in depth. The sound is not dissimilar to Empire Of The Sun, with a recognisable sense of yearning in ‘Maker’ and a wistful, dreamy approach in ‘Heaven’. ‘Joypunks’ makes a brilliant track out of some cleverly chopped up vocal which is initially annoying but then really catchy! ‘Purple Sand (My Home)’ shows off the bouncy rhythm tracks that push ‘Superdream’ well above average, with Stell making some excellent electro pop songs with lasting hooks and sentiments. Recommended.

Ben Hogwood. 4 out of 5