DMC World Magazine

Breaking News

DJ Unkut, the first EVER DMC Online Champion will not be competing next week in the DMC World Final. We are sad to report this news.

Here is UNKUT’s official statement.

“Dear friends,

im sorry to inform you, that i wont be able to compete at the Dmc worldfinals in october. I had some serious healthproblems last month and had to spend a lot of time in hospital. Too much time, to be exact. I tried my best, but i couldnt finish a new 6 minute routine within 3 weeks. I would’ve loved to compete and give people a good show, but its not really up to me to make this decision. Health first. I hope you guys are not too disappointed. Thx a lot for your support and understanding. Ill be in London on 7th just to watch the competition and hang out.

See you there”