Emilie Brandt

DMCWORLD checks in with Denver based singer songwriter Emilie Brandt before she releases new track Grey out October 5th…


Freeform is an incredible album, do you have any plans to showcase the album with a tour? 

Thank you! Very soon I will be announcing shows in a few major US cities for this fall/winter, and my team is working on putting together a more complete run of US dates for after the new year.

How can an artist stand out in a world where every second a person is releasing music?

I feel like a lot of artists are trying to be or sound like someone else — I feel like I’m constantly hearing music that sounds like another band or singer. I just focus on being myself and hope that people will like it and relate to my lyrics on an emotional level. I love when I hear a song that feels like the lyrics are speaking directly to my soul and I want to continue writing songs that give others that same feeling.

Most artists spend their time consumed by music and work long hours in the studio, do you have any routines/hobbies to take your mind away from work? 

I spend a lot of time locked in my room writing music — my room is sort of my sacred space. When I’m not there, I’m spending time outside or reading or working on art with friends. I go to shows pretty regularly and absolutely love living so close to Red Rocks.

What is your favourite track from your album Freeform and why?

To Love = To Suffer is a really powerful track for me. It stemmed from a sort of revelation I had at the end of my first real breakup. I realized that I didn’t care if being in love meant I would eventually get my heart broken again — I just knew I wanted to love and be loved. All the pain and heartbreak were worth how amazing it felt to be in love. Everything in life is balanced- the deeper you are in love, you will feel equal pain when it’s gone. That’s just the nature of our reality as human beings and I have learned to see the beauty in both.

The new single ‘Grey’ is out 5 October…
