DJ Rocky Rock

Black Eyed Peas DJ, a mutha of a DJ and just a really cool guy speaks out to DMC

Yo Rocky – you grew up I believe in California, what were the best things about growing up in one of the most amazing States in America?
“California is a very chilled State, growing up here couldn’t be any greater for where I am at today – I grew up in the city of San Jose, a lot of DJ’s came out of this city such as Dstyles, Peanut Butter Wolf and Finger Bangerz. Music is what stands out a lot because of the computer business, it’s what they call ‘Silicon Valley’. I moved myself further down South after I got used to using the turntables 2001 – but it’s been a blessing moving down South because I met a lot of people in the music business…”

So what made you first start Battling?
“Battling, well I didn’t really know I had it ’til after High School, because all I did was practice in my room for hours after finishing my home work. I was in a DJ group called The Finger Bangerz and all of us were just inspired in Battling at the time… and I just ended up persuing it.”
What was the Battle scene like when you started out in California when you began?
“The battle scene was crazy – it was the PTRIX ERA when Ptrix won ’98 when I started and Craze…it was very hard, cuz they were all dope with it. But for sure, inspiring…”
Hip Hop heroes DJs and Artists of all time?
“Pharcyde, Naz, Souls of Mischief, Black Eyed Peas, Q-Bert, Dstyles, Shortkut, Xmen, Radar…”
Best Hip Hop clubs ever you’ve been to?
The spots I DJ’d at like Oprah, Crimson, Mood, Le Duex, Pig n’ Whistle, 24K, The 7 Lounge, Sabor, Toons… and many more cool places”
Biggest Hip Hop star you’ve met?
“Black Eyed Peas, Snoop, Naz, 50 Cent, Pharrel, Chad Hugo…”

So how important do you think DMC has been to the Turnablist world?
“DMC is very Important – that’s like our Olympics of the DJing world…that should how it should be like forever! And if it wasn’t for me placing on that, I beleive I would not be where I’m at now – so it’s a true blessing. It’s so important that I’m not done yet with it, 2009 here I come.”
So the Black Eyed Peas – an amazing honour to represent them and the shows were crazeeeee…what are your memories from those mid 90′ days…? How was working on the ‘Monkey Business’ long player…?
“It was crazy. They are all so energetic with their shows and a lot of people love the fact that they are on the Hip Hop / Pop thing!!” I scratched on ‘Monkey Business’ with APl and Will I Am on a song called ‘Betot’, and ‘Gone Going’ with Jack Johnson – I thought it was amazing the response I got…”
What is the best Peas gig you’ve done?
“The best gig I’d say was over in the Philippines to see my people and show them what a Filipino American do really do…”

If we come to your city, what clubs, bars, restaurants and maybe a secret place should we check?
“Come out to Pig N’ Whistle on Hollywood Boulevard… it was one of the historical clubs in LA, very natural and has a historical DJ there named Rocky Rock- lol !”

Tell us about the Dirty Heads and Jeepney Music projects…
“As far as Dirty Heads it’s all about touring! The album launched in September and it’s been flying-  just look out for it! It’s a good experience, Linkin Park introduced me to them. As for Jeepney Music, this is APL DE AP from the Black Eyed Peas label and i DJ for him on this, it has been great – look out for his album. A good guy, one of my best friends of today!”
What will 2009 bring from yourself?
“I will be bringing out a lot! I feel it…I’ve grown to be big in the music business which I am very proud of…and for sure |’m considering of joining DMC this year!”
Tell us your top 10 tunes of this week?
1. ‘Heartless’ by the man Kanye
2. ‘Can’t Beleive It’  by tpain
3. ‘Live Your Life’ by TI
4. ‘Just Dance’ by Lady Gaga
5. ‘Miss independent’ by Ne-Yo
6. ‘Single Ladies’ by Beyonce
7. Jockin Jayz
8. ‘My Addiction’ by Ryan Leslie
9. ‘Mrs Officer’ by Lil Wayn”
10 ‘Time To Blow Up’ by DJ Rocky Rock – a tribute to Biggy…

“So all you DMC amazing persons…check

Peace and love Dan”