Kon – On My Way – BBE Records

Not a word I use that often but this really is a fabulous album. Kon’s background is steeped in vinyl and you can hear all of those influences seeping through onto this long player. You’ll love the timeless feel as grooves slide easily between genres with the opening ‘All Night (Everybody) sounding generously eighties as lush vocal harmonies feel their way over sassy bass driven rhythms. The song writing is first rate featuring the voices of Amy Douglas in the aforementioned and the excellent Ben Westbeech on ‘You Don’t Know (I’ve Been Looking For You)’ accompanied by punchy four/ four beats. But while the album doesn’t stray too far from its soulful roots there are some curious musical interludes placed along the way and then there’s the tougher ‘Blow Me’ for variation. Also well worth your attention is the squelchy funk of ‘She Was A Queen’ and the rousing ‘Awe Baby’ with the concluding tech bassline of ‘On My Way’ feeling suitably contemporary in amongst all the telling reference points.

5 out of 5

Reviewed by Greg Fenton