The Japanese Popstars

A stunning techno masterpiece live and direct from IMS

Gareth welcome to DMCWORLD Magazine. In the words of The Buzz Chart team, ‘Matter of Time’ is a huge techno masterpiece. On behalf of the band, talk us through the tune…

“The tune was actually done for the IMS summit in Ibiza at the start of the summer.  Each year the IMS asks an act to produce an ‘Anthem’ for the summit and to go out to Ibiza and talk through how the track was made.  We had worked with Cajmere before and asked him if he wanted to get involved again. As usual this all happened last minute, we were up in the hotel the whole night before working on the track, then had to sit on a panel and play it to a load of our peers, everyone seemed to like it.  When we got home from Ibiza we just give it a little mix down and a little arrangement work and that was it.”

Tell us about the studio process, who brings what to the table when producing?

“It really depends on the track.  Either Gary or myself will come up with the ideas when then we work mostly over the internet as we live in different cities and get together to do mixdowns and final ideas.”

Your live shows are constantly evolving, what are the changes you have made for summer 2012?

“We really wanted to push the show back into the underground and into the later time slots, we have done a lot of festival main stage shows over the past couple of years but we are really feeling hungry and about going back into the dance tents and playing a little harder and darker.  I think you can hear that in ‘Matter of Time’.”

How did you think Underworld did in their role as musical directors at the opening of The Olympics?

“Yeah I think they did a great job, anytime you have a chance to hear quality music that isn’t pop on that type of event is good.  Plus they played some David Holmes, he is from Northern Ireland so we support that.”

You supported Orbital on their European Tour earlier this year, what was that like, they must have been heroes of yours back in the day?

“They still are.  It was great, we were a little nervous at first but as they tour went on we became friends with the guys and their crew.  We learnt a lot from them, it was a real honour.”

You decided to start the band after seeing a certain band put in a poor performance at Oxygen in your home country. You thought you could do a better job so formed a band and within a year were on stage yourselves. Had you already been in the studio before that moment in the field?

“We had, but not together, just working alone.”

Who were the bands back then that were influencing you?

“Probably the same that were influencing everyone, Daft Punk, Underworld, The Chems, Orbital.  The big dance supergroups.”

Best live band you have ever seen?

“Thats a toughy, I remember seeing The Darkness play in Syndey just before they got huge at a tiny little club, they were tight.  The Orbital show is incredible, M83 show is cool too.  The Cure at the Royal Albert Hall last year was pretty special.”

What were the early clubs you were getting  messy in and who were the DJs you’d follow around?

“The main clubs in Northern Ireland were Shine in Belfast and Lush in Portrush.  Both are still going.  I loved Sasha, Digweed, Nick Warren all that prog crew…”

You started 2012 with the news that you were creating the soundtrack to Caterham F1’s entire 2012 season. How did that come about and how on earth do you start on a project like that?

“It came about through our management, somehow he had found out that some of the team where fans and he reached out to them.  The next thing I know is that I have been sent a load of the teams new engine noises and they would like us to write a soundtrack piece for the car for the season.  It was fun but kind of tough to do.”

What have been the stand out festivals of 2012?

“I think for me, I love the festivals in Ireland because we get to see so many friends and family.  Also the French festivals are always great.”

Funniest festival story?

“I got slapped by a Radio 1 DJ in Global Gathering last week but we won’t go into that.”

Which of your tracks are you most proudest of and why?

“I think the track we did with Robert Smith called ‘Take Forever’ is special to us all, as Robert is such a legend and because its a little different.”

Outside of dance music, who are the artists you are currently listening to?

“I think Emile Sande is pretty incredible.”

How much of a say do you have in the direction of your incredible videos?

“Yeah we normally get pitched a number of ideas and we can come on board and speak to the directors about what we like and what we don’t like.  It can be hard though to visual what is in someone elses mind, sometimes you just have to trust that you have the right person.”

And finally what is coming out next studio wise from you guys?

“We are currently writing a lot of new material, we don’t want to use the work ‘Album’ yet but there’s alot of stuff to come hopefully before Christmas.”