Legendary Music Idols

You feeling this? DMC are…

Theo, a brilliant career that started release wise back in 1993 when you brought joy to the dance floor with ‘Take A Stand For Love’ thanks to Music Station. But take us back, who were the artists that influenced you way back that made you want to jump into the dance music world?
“My biggest influences that got me into making dance music were Martha Wash, Sounds Of Blackness and the whole disco and funky electronic sounds of the late 80’s.”

And heroes?
“My heroes have to be Stevie Wonder and Martin Luther King.”

You have an amazing voice, who from your family does this harmony come from?
“My Grandmother. She was wanted by such great gospel entertainers of her time such as Mahalia Jackson. Mahalia’s management wanted her to become a serious professional performer but unfortunately her obligations to family in that day didn’t allow her to, so she was the most renowned Gospel singer in our town. She trained me in the church every Sunday from childhood and from there, I began performing.”

It is obvious that music is your life. What ten people would you invite, dead or alive, to your dinner party at your house?
“President Barack Obama
Stevie Wonder
Oprah Winfrey
Tyler Perry
Lenny Kravitz
Gnarls Barclay
Chaka Khan
Martha Wash”

You take a look at your tracks you have appeared on, there have been many a tear shed out in clubland when your record’s come on. ‘Bring It Back To Love’, ‘Masquerade’ etc – what are your favourite three that you most hold close to your heart?
“It’s a hard choice but I’m going to say ‘Take A Stand’ because of its longevity and it’s now hailed as a classic. It gets as much airplay on this side of the water still to this day. ‘Bring It Back To Love’ and ‘Masquerade’ are also really special to me and are also classics in their own right, and I still sing all of them live.”

So a big new number, ‘How Much I Feel’ that you have collaborated with Manny D with mixes from Greg Stainer, Lady D and Frankie Estivez – talk us through the track…
“This remake is the brainchild of Manny D, who asked me to get involved because I grew up loving the song. We recorded the vocals and produced the original version, and sent it out for remixes. Greg Stainer and I were communicating on myspace and we had a synergy that was just amazing and I was so pleased when he agreed to do the mix. When I got it I went crazy – I Love It !!! DJ Lady and I are good friends and she has a show on Axiomonline.tv Her energetic progressive sets set me on fire, and her take is CRAZY – meaning good…On the dub there was a typo as it was actually done by Manny D.”

Your favourite album ever?
“Michael Jackson’s ‘Bad’.”

The last few year’s has seen you team up with Harold Martin Jr  launching your multi-media company and entertainment space – Axiomonline.tv broadcasts many major talents of House music from NY’s Tri-state area –  what’s the story behind that?
“Harold and I teamed up to develop a recording studio and in the process we wanted to provide a space where the Tri-state industry could organise and unify on the production front. it touched a nerve in the community and has now expanded so that at this point it is a recording facility, broadcast facility, and entertainment complex hosting great dance music events and parties. Many of New York’s and Jersey’s main DJ’s and artists such as Barbara Tucker, Joi Cardwell, DJ Camacho, Duce Martinez etc have all played at the Axiom Stuidos parties and many of them have been broadcast on the axiomonline.tv site, so well worth checking.”

What one person would you choose to be stranded on a desert island with?
“A great singer from England named Phoenix whom you will hearing a lot of soon on our next Axiom Vault release.”

Who do you think is the best vocalist ever?
“Stevie Wonder – his range is amazing.”

Best and worst thing about living in New York?
“Best : It never goes to sleep”
“Worst: High cost of living. Everything is so expensive.”

What is your favourite record today?
‘Hey Hey’ by Dennis Ferrer.”

Which do you top – the MJ Cole Remix of ‘Masquerade’ or Joey Negro’s Real Garage Mix of ‘Bring It Back To Love’?
“They are both very special to me but I enjoy performing “Masquerade” as the response is always amazing.”

What can we expect next from Gerideau musically?
“I’ve got quite a few singles coming out down the pipeline on Axiom Vault. These singles are quite different from what I’ve done in the past and they feel really good to me.”

“How Much I Feel” is the debut single from DJ Manny D & Gerideau and launches the new Stateside label, Axiom Vaults at the end of January 2010.