Anyone who maintains that electronic music is somehow cold and unfeeling should have a good long listen to Christian Löffler’s second album. In it he takes inspiration from his journeys out on tour, profiling not just Alaska but other rather beautiful scenes such as the compelling views of ‘Mt. Grace’, ‘Beirut’ and ‘Alpine Sketch’. Other scenes of naturally inspired beauty course through ‘Notes’ and ‘Roman’,  which both have melancholic roots but can dazzle with the sheer beauty of their sounds. Löffler works with clean lines, his electronica exhibiting an icy cool at times, but underneath there is always the beating of a warm human heart – and not necessarily in the vocal tracks, good as those are. This means his music has deep seated emotion, vividly recreating the natural pictures Löffler has in his mind’s eye.

5 out of 5

Reviewed By Ben Hogwood