Platnum is one very very talented & determined young lady. Born 24 years ago in Romainia, Ruth Maria Ressner was brought up in a weather station in the Transylvanian Alps, raised on a diet of independence & classic soul. Moving to Berlin at the age of 19, she wasted no time in getting involved with various reggae, hip hop & R’n’B acts, which led to her meeting Illvibe & Monk, a couple of DJ’s that introduced Ruth to the sound of U.S. 90’s hip hop, & BING! That was it, she was off, marrying her Roberta Flack & Dionne Warwick influenced songs, to the sounds used by Company Flow, Jay Dee & Mad Lib. Ruth not only wrote & beautifully sung all the songs on “Rock Me”, she also programmed & arranged them. The girl has got it, she’s soulful, sexy, sassy & tender, Platnum really is hot new talent, she’s going a long way.

5 Out Of 5

Reviewed By: Dean Thatcher