Rone – Creatures – (Infine)

Rone calls in the cavalry for third album ‘Creatures’, enlisting illustrious guests such as The National’s Bryce Dessner, François & The Atlas Mountains and Etienne Daho. They join an album with a wide mix of productions, ranging from small and intimate to large and cinematic.

Dessner’s contribution to ‘Elle’ enhances an already broad sound scape, topped off with vocals from Daho in the vinyl version. The big productions continue with the dancing electronics of ‘Ouija’, a burst of energy that takes place over a dubstep-infused beat, and the sharply toned cello that brings a dark edge to ‘Freaks’ with its unhinged vocal. François & The Atlas Mountains appears on the moody but ultimately soothing ‘Quitter La Ville’ (‘Leaving The City’) an indication perhaps of the wide open spaces Rone’s music is beginning to find. Ultimately ‘Creatures’ is an intriguing blend of styles that doesn’t always hang closely together but which is never less than absorbing.

4 out of 5

Reviewed by Ben Hogwood
