Ulrich Schnauss & Mark Peters – Tomorrow Is Another Day – Bureau B

The ever-dependable Mr Schnauss teams up with The Engineers’ Mark Peters once again, following up last year’s ‘Underrated Silence’. This gives them the opportunity to pair up the keyboards of the former with the guitars of the latter, resulting in some nicely understated and graceful sound pictures, largely instrumental in nature. Whereas their first collaboration had quite a wide screen sound this one is slightly narrower in scope, and has less obvious musical inspiration, the ideas of the two tending to be less expressive. This does mean some of the tracks retreat more into the background, though when the trademark concrete beats of Schnauss come through on ‘Inconvenient Truths’ there is a noticeable peak of interest. There are some really nice sounds here, and some typically cultured production, but there is just a feeling that the partnership would benefit from a bit more edge.

3 out of 5

Reviewed By Ben Hogwood