Field Days
Week 6 – Wakestock

The Q’S

1. The star struck moment
“Meeting N-Dubz and realising they are all as short as me.”

2. The tune
“My Boulder – The King Blues.”

3. The maddest outfit
“Chatted to a suprisingly shy gentleman dressed as a french maid – duster and all.”

4. The act
“Feeder were brilliant – easy to forget how many great tunes they have and they got the entire festival jumping.”

5. What will you remember most from the country you have just partied in
l will mostly remember the dulcit tones of 16 year olds chatting to each other in Welsh. I naively didn’t realise that younger generations actually spoke Welsh. How daft am I?”

7. What did you lose this time
“My sleeping bag’s bag – blew away in a gale force wind on Sunday morning!”

8. Your new best friend
“Mr Hudson! Well, kinda, sorta, not really. We did a fun interview – and then I bumped into him when I got back to London and we had another nice chat.”

9. That ‘I can’t believe I did that’,  festival story.’
“Poured boiling peppermint tea all over myself and then stupidly shouted ‘my groin is on fire!’ rather too loudly.”

10. The highlight.
“Dancing to Zane Lowe’s set alongside an entire crew of strangers who were dressed as characters from Alice In Wonderland!”
