Aidan Knight – Each Other – (Full Time Hobby)

Right from the start of ‘Each Other’, Aidan Knight draws you in with his soft, conversational manner. Indeed you would be hard pushed to hear him in a noisy environment to start with, as he murmurs the words of ‘Each Other’ as though in private dialogue with himself. As the album unfolds though it is clear Knight has a more extravert side to his personality, and he projects this through spacious productions and bigger, layered choruses, without ever taking himself too far away from the listener emotionally. ‘Funeral Singers’ is a remarkable song, a powerful elegy with beautiful twists and turns to its harmonies, and while that, ‘Black Dream’ and ‘You Are Not Here’ imply a depressing listen through their titles alone, the reality is far from that. Knight has an uplifting turn to his vocals, the productions are keenly sensitive to his mood, and you will find that a lot of ‘Each Other’ hits you squarely between the eyes. One to catch live as well as enjoy at home, I’d wager.

4 out of 5

Reviewed by Ben Hogwood