John Foxx & The Maths

John Foxx continues to fascinate on his journey through electronic music, teaming up here with Benge, master of all things analogue. It proves to be an irresistible combination, for much of ‘Interplay’ is brilliantly executed, drawing from past masters and the early work of Foxx himself, but facing firmly forward in its focus. Most striking of all is ‘Watching A Building On Fire’, a track that chills with the latent horror of its chorus, with vocals laced by Ladytron’s Mira Aroyo. The sonorities these two make are striking throughout, coruscating at times, but they still find time for a moment of breezy pop on the warming ‘Summerland’, vocoder at the ready. ‘The Running Man’, meanwhile, could easily be transported in from the 80s. This is a consistently strong album from Foxx, a man who you feel is still at the very peak of his electronic powers.

5 Out Of 5

Reviewed By: Ben Hogwood